Guarding Against Greed

Intro the series with the thought that following Jesus is not a Christian cafeteria where we get to pick and choose where we want to follow Jesus - including what we’d rather “leave off our tray” know, just “the essentials” (cf. Great Commission “teaching all that I have commanded you.” And clearly, Jesus taught extensively on finances and possessions [include some stats from my series introduction]. Hence, we are going to spend the next three weekends in Luke as we talk about following Jesus financially. In Luke 12, Jesus highlights our great value to His Father…He knows the hairs on our heads, and the same Father who does not forget one sparrow will see to our true needs too. In this context, someone from the large crowd (1000s trampling each other vs1) wants Jesus to enforce his share of the family’s inheritance, likely from a heart of greed. Jesus uses this opportunity to strictly warn all of His followers against greed and mass possessions. This teaching is so important that Jesus adds a reinforcing parable about a foolish man who built more and bigger barns, yet died and left it all behind – including all his grandiose, self-centered retirement plans. He spent his life being rich towards himself rather than towards God. Jesus does not prohibit wealth; in fact, He all-in about being rich…in respect to God and His kingdom. Moreover, His words underline the seductive lure and eternal dangers that wealth can bring.