Jesus Says You Belong

Somehow we’ve lost our way, and we’ve led the world to believe that church is only about religion and adherence to a set of beliefs. We’ve given judgment more than grace. We’ve not led with relationships as we see Jesus doing in Luke 6. This is not what Jesus had in mind or how He lived. Yes, Scripture is quite clear about God’s best for our lives, and Jesus has a lot to say about sin. However, when we see Jesus interacting with people who are on the fringes of society or not yet believers, we see Him acting with more love and compassion than with judgment. Meaningful relationships free of snap judgments should be a natural place of strength for people who follow Jesus. Church is founded on an idea of belonging before behaving - a place where everyone is welcome and grace extended to all. Yet sometimes, we’ve allowed moralism to create a list of prerequisites which must be met before relationships can be built. It’s like we are saying, “You have to behave before you belong.” Jesus, help us to see everyone as You do.